Wilhelm Wiesner's name was changed to William Weisner (note the reversalof the "i" and the "e") and…

Gemeinsame Notiz

Wilhelm Wiesner's name was changed to William Weisner (note the reversalof the "i" and the "e") and thus his children and decendants becameWeisners. Whether this change was introduced by an immigration official, some other official, or Wilhelm himself is

  • hid in a hay wagon to get out of Germany.
  • was discontented initially in and was going to go back until ablind date with a friend to make up a foursome. Met Natalge who workedin a Pauline (Christie) cookie factory in -.

Lived: 1. -,
2. St. Paul, Minnesota
3. Davidson Hills in Renoun, - - farmed
4. Into town of Renoun, - and homesteaded
5. Then on another farm
6. 1927 to Venn, Summerville

  • he built the Baptist church in Nokomis
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20. Januar 201411:12:53
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141 11 51 89 Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014 16:28
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